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We need you! for leap 2024...

The Leadership in Engineering Administration Program (LEAP) is a career development program for upwardly mobile young professionals in Arizona’s consulting engineering industry. LEAP is a program that leads to the development of successful business leaders who consistently please our clients and create value in our firms.

Presented by

The American Council of Engineering Companies of Arizona (ACEC Arizona) Office: 532 West McDowell Rd, Phoenix, AZ 85003 Office Phone: 602-995-2187 Email: or

LEAP Session Schedule

Ten sessions will be presented on Fridays from January to June 2024. Sessions will be held at the ACEC Arizona office at 532 West McDowell Road, Phoenix, Arizona 85003, from 8:30 AM – 4:00 PM.* Receive Sixty-Three Professional Development Hours Cost -$3,500 Inclusive. Qualifications of Candidates: The ideal candidate for this program will have 5–10 years of experience in the consulting industry and be in or approaching transition from primarily technical to supervisory and management responsibilities. Registration in one of the professions regulated by the Arizona State Board of Technical Registration, including Engineer-in-Training, is preferred. Consideration will be given to other business personnel employed by member firms subject to the recommendation of a sponsoring principal. Nomination Letter from Principal: A nominating letter, two-page maximum, prepared by a principal of the firm, describing why this candidate should be selected. The nominator should explain why the candidate would benefit from the program and what contributions the individual will provide to the industry. A statement should also be included that the member firm will support the candidate’s participation and ensure the candidate is available for all training sessions. The nominator should also be prepared to attend a portion of several work sessions with the candidate. Support of a candidate will be an essential key to the candidate’s and program’s success. The candidate will have assignments throughout the program where a principal’s or mentor’s coaching will benefit their ability to complete projects. NO TEMPLATE OR FORM LETTERS, PLEASE. Application Letter from Candidate: An application letter, two pages maximum, prepared by the nominated candidate, stating why the candidate wants to participate in the program and what their future goals are in the industry. The candidate should also state that they are committed to the program and will attend all training sessions and complete all work assignments. NO TEMPLATE OR FORM LETTERS, PLEASE. *Dates and times are subject to change due to unforeseen scheduling conflicts with our presenters; however, ample notice will be provided should such a situation occur. Member firms should nominate one or more individuals at the point in their careers where they are about to transition from performing day-to-day technical duties to having project or section management responsibilities with the firm. The candidates should be at a point where they will be provided an opportunity to utilize the skills and knowledge they obtain from this program.


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