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Engineering Excellence & Legacy Awards

Engineering Excellence Awards

The American Council of Engineering Companies of Arizona Engineering Excellence Awards competition recognizes engineering firms for projects demonstrating exceptional innovation, complexity, achievement, and value. Please join us for an evening of delicious food, fantastic scenery, and award-winning projects.

Important Dates to Remember

  • July 31, 2024 – Submission portal opens

  • August 31, 2024 – Submission portal closes


Part 1: Official Entry Forms and entry fees due to ACEC Arizona via an online web portal.


Project Submission Guidelines

Part 2: Completed entries (submitted via an online web portal) and photographic display panels are due to ACEC Arizona as instructed in the Call for Entries. All materials submitted for judging become the property of ACEC Arizona and may be used in publications or other promotional. Submitted materials will NOT be returned. Materials received after August 31st, 2024, will NOT be accepted. 

  • September 1, 2024-September 14, 2024  – Judging

  • September 20, 2024 – Winners Notified

  • October 18, 2024 – TBD

2nd Entry
Non-ACEC Arizona Members
ACEC Arizona Members


Please fill out the form below if interested.

Give us your best JUDGE-ment! Entries for the 2024 Engineering Excellence Awards will be due Fall of 2024, and we anticipate receiving submissions in various categories. How can you help? We need a pool of competent judges to make the winning selections. Judges may be in-house member firm employees, clients, professors, or retirees, with the only stipulation being that ALL JUDGES MUST BE ENGINEERS. Should a judge discover a personal or professional conflict with a submittal, we ask that they abstain from judging the entry.


Following the 2024 deadline for award submissions, all entries will be reviewed, and volunteer judges with the appropriate expertise will be contacted via email. Judging will occur via a web-based portal (login information will be provided) and will occur after. As a special thanks to those who give their time, judges will receive two complimentary tickets to the 2024 Engineering Excellence Awards Luncheon.


Ready to be a judge? Please complete the following information and submit it by August 25, 2024.

Check out the fun!

Photos from the 2023 Engineering Excellence and Legacy Awards Gala            Click Here!
Video Awards-1.jpg

2023 Award Recipients

2023 Grand Award


Pima County

Tucson Boulevard Diversion Structure

Tucson Boulevard Diversion Structure

The Tucson Boulevard Diversion Structure in Pima County manages nearly 25 million gallons of wastewater daily, balancing flows between two major interceptor sewers. Over time, it became odorous, corroded, and hazardous due to excessive hydrogen sulfide (H2S) gas produced within, leading to non-functional gates and risky confined space entries for flow adjustments. Addressing odor, corrosion, and safety became a priority.

Dibble designed a new system that improved hydraulic performance by separating bends and diversions into three structures, reducing energy losses, turbulence, off-gassing, and consequently mitigating odors, corrosion, and improving safety. The new structures, made of pre-cast polymer concrete and fiberglass, prevent corrosion. Accessible stop gates through a large hatch eliminated the need for confined space entry, making maintenance safer.

Coordination between the County, Dibble, and Hunter Contracting was crucial during design and construction due to extensive wastewater bypass, limited workspace, and unexpected soil conditions. Despite supply chain and permitting challenges, the project was completed on time and within budget. With the new system in place, odors are mitigated, corrosion is addressed, safety is improved, and the community can breathe easily.

2023 Grand Award


City of Goodyear

Estrella 30-Inch Transmission Main

Estrella 30-Inch Transmission Main

The goal of this project was to create a comprehensive water solu􀦞on by transi􀦞oning from groundwater to u􀦞lizing water from the Colorado River via the CAP Canal. The project team performed the ini􀦞al analysis, developed the solu􀦞on, and designed and oversaw the construc􀦞on of a 30-inch transmission main, a cri􀦞cal piece of the overall infrastructure

2023 Honor Award

Kimley-Horn & Associates, Inc.

City of Avondale

Avondale 107th Avenue & McDowell Road Intersection Improvements

Avondale 107th Avenue & McDowell Road Intersection Improvements

The Intersection of 107th Avenue and McDowell Road serves as a vital point of connectivity to the City of Avondale and neighboring communities such as Goodyear, Phoenix, and Tolleson.  The intersection provides regional connecitvity to/from Metro Phoenix area and serves as direct access to Phoenix Raceway; Avondale West Valley Health Quarter, which is an epicenter of healthcare services providing jobs for more than 40,000 healthcare workers; commercial/office/retail known as The ROW on McDowell Rd: Friendship Park; and various residential communities. 

2023 Honor Award

Stanley Consultants

Arizona Department of Transportation

SR-24: Gateway to the

SR-24: Gateway to the

State Route 24 is a controlled access urban principal freeway that provides a vital link between the southeastern Maricopa and northern Pinal County communities to the Phoenix metropolitan area for over 150,000 residents. The five-mile interim expansion, running from Ellsworth Road to Ironwood Drive, was designed to the ultimate freeway configuration, with three general purpose lanes, one auxiliary lane and one HOV lane in each direction. Then the design was purposefully scaled back to the interim design with two lanes in each direction until funding becomes available for the ultimate build-out. When funds become available, the additional lanes and overpasses to create the ultimate freeway can be seamlessly added with minimal throwaway and inconvenience to drivers.

2023 Clifford C. Sawyer Achievement Award


City of Goodyear

Estrella 30-Inch Transmission Main

Estrella 30-Inch Transmission Main

The goal of this project was to create a comprehensive water solu􀦞on by transi􀦞oning from groundwater to u􀦞lizing water from the Colorado River via the CAP Canal. The project team performed the ini􀦞al analysis, developed the solu􀦞on, and designed and oversaw the construc􀦞on of a 30-inch transmission main, a cri􀦞cal piece of the overall infrastructure

2023 People's Choice Award


City of Goodyear

Estrella 30-Inch Transmission Main

Estrella 30-Inch Transmission Main

The goal of this project was to create a comprehensive water solu􀦞on by transi􀦞oning from groundwater to u􀦞lizing water from the Colorado River via the CAP Canal. The project team performed the ini􀦞al analysis, developed the solu􀦞on, and designed and oversaw the construc􀦞on of a 30-inch transmission main, a cri􀦞cal piece of the overall infrastructure

2023 Grand Award

Gannett Fleming

City of Phoenix

Phoenix Sky Harbor International Airport - Sky Train® Rental Car Station

Phoenix Sky Harbor International Airport - Sky Train® Rental Car Station

A two-mile extension of the PHX Sky Train® connects 14 million travelers annually to the Phoenix Sky Harbor International Airport’s consolidated Rental Car Center (RCC) and Ground Transportation Center. Gannett Fleming was the fixed-facilities designer for PHX Sky Train® Stage 2, providing guideway and support structure design. The Stage 2 guideway serves two new stations and a future station, including the RCC, which was built on the upper level of the existing structure. The project used a CM-at-Risk (CMAR) model to support fast-track delivery, enabling early identification and mitigation of constructability issues and allowing for overlapping design and construction processes

2023 Honor Award


City of Phoenix

City of Phoenix West Anthem Water and Sewer Improvements

City of Phoenix West Anthem Water and Sewer Improvements

For years, the City of Phoenix has been providing water and wastewater services to the West Anthem area through a service agreement with EPCOR. To establish a direct connection, Phoenix proposed an ambitious project. 

  • Five miles of 18-inch and 21-inch gravity sewer main

  • Two miles of 36-inch and 24-inch water transmission main

  • New lift station and one mile of 8-inch force mains

  • Booster pump station upgrades

Now complete, these improvements empower the City to provide direct services to the West Anthem area, simplify future connections, and support thriving development. 

Entellus completed the study for the entire system and final design and construction administration for the north pipelines and booster pump station improvements. 

2023 Honor Award


City of Tucson

Broadway Boulevard: Euclid Avenue
to Country Club Road

Broadway Boulevard: Euclid Avenue
to Country Club Road

The need to improve this section of Broadway Boulevard

for enhanced mobility and safety was first identified in the

1980s. The project was included in the 1997 Pima County

Bond program and subsequently approved by voters in

2006 as part of the Regional Transportation Authority


Focused on increased capacity, safety, and

preservation to create a true multi-modal corridor

The original concept entailed an eight-lane divided arterial,

widened primarily to one side. However, this approach

would have resulted in the acquisition and demolition of

more than 90 properties. In an effort to minimize these

impacts, the concept went through many iterations and

entailed extensive collaboration. Ultimately, Broadway was

designed as a six-lane roadway along a new curvilinear

alignment that resulted in more than 70 properties saved

from demolition.

Within this narrowed footprint, the design team was

also able to accommodate a 96” diameter storm drain,

raised median, bus stop pullouts, buffered bike lanes,

widened and accessible sidewalks, lighting, native

landscape, and public art. The newly-designed Broadway

Boulevard improves vehicular capacity, providing safe

and comfortable access for pedestrians and cyclists while

preserving the existing character of the area, creating a

true multi-modal corridor.

2023 Honor Award

Stanley Consultants

Arizona Department of Transportation

I-10 / Houghton Road
Interchange Reconstruction

I-10 / Houghton Road
Interchange Reconstruction

Tucson’s new diverging diamond interchange (DDI) at I-10 and Houghton Road is the first of its kind in southern Arizona and just the second DDI of its kind in Arizona. The $24 million interchange replaced a 50-year-old two-lane bridge, increasing daily capacity from 8,000 to 50,000 vehicles. In the DDI configuration, each direction of Houghton Road traffic crosses to the left side over the freeway. This allows for left turns onto the on ramps without waiting at an additional traffic signal or having to turn across traffic. It is overwhelmingly supported by local residents.

2023 Judges' Choice Award

Gannett Fleming

City of Phoenix

Phoenix Sky Harbor International Airport - Sky Train® Rental Car Station

Phoenix Sky Harbor International Airport - Sky Train® Rental Car Station

A two-mile extension of the PHX Sky Train® connects 14 million travelers annually to the Phoenix Sky Harbor International Airport’s consolidated Rental Car Center (RCC) and Ground Transportation Center. Gannett Fleming was the fixed-facilities designer for PHX Sky Train® Stage 2, providing guideway and support structure design. The Stage 2 guideway serves two new stations and a future station, including the RCC, which was built on the upper level of the existing structure. The project used a CM-at-Risk (CMAR) model to support fast-track delivery, enabling early identification and mitigation of constructability issues and allowing for overlapping design and construction processes

14th Annual Arizona Transportation Legacy Awards

Legacy Awards Committee seeks your nomination(s) for an individual to receive the 14th Annual Arizona Transportation Legacy Award.

The criteria for submitting individual nominees for this prestigious award are as follows:


  • The Nominee must have made a significant, noteworthy contribution to any mode of transportation in Arizona. Significant contributions include (but are not limited to) planning, design, technical development, construction, management, education, and/or multi-modal transportation.

  • The Nominee may come from government, private practice, construction, education, or industry.

  • The Nominee may be living or deceased and may be working or retired.

Questions? Please email the Legacy Awards Committee co-chairs Kelly Kaysonepheth at or Karla Petty at

Deadline: August 31st, 2024

Members of the ACEC Arizona Transportation Legacy Award Selection Committee are comprised of individuals who represent public and private sectors, including construction, engineering, government, and public works. Past Legacy Award Honorees are also invited to participate in the selection process. The Committee will review all nominations and select the 2024 recipients by September 15, 2024. 

All selected honorees will be invited as guests of honor to formally accept their award at the October 2024 ACEC Arizona Engineering Excellence Awards and Legacy Awards Celebration. The honorees will also receive a complimentary registration to the September 25-27, 2024 Roads & Streets Conference in Tucson.

June 1, 2024 - August 31, 2024

August 16, 2024 - August 31, 2024

September 15, 2024

October 18, 2024 

Portal to submit nominations is open

Committee review period, will review as submissions are received

Notification of selection(s)

Please join us for a celebration at TBD

Winning Year
Eric Anderson
Maria Hyatt Tyne
Antonio “Tony” Paez
Amanda McGennis
Teresa Welborn
Greg Stanley
Tom Buick
Hon. Edward Lopez Pastor
Dr. Richard Nassi
Jeff Swan
Dennis Smith
Priscilla Cornelio
Kent Dibble
Bill Hayden
Roger Herzog
Tom McGovern
James (Jim) Pyne
Janice Burnett
Dave Crawford
James Glock
Jane Morris
Michael Sabatini
John Bernal
Ed Green
Ralph Hoffman
Charles H. Huckelberry
John Louis
Victor Mendez
Martin Shultz
James B. Girand
Shellie Ginn
Geza Kmetty
Daniel (Dan) S. Lance
John Eugene McGee
Robert (Bob) Mickelson
Curt Slagell
Peter L. Eno
E. LeRoy Brady
John E. Carlson, Sr.
David K. French
Dr. Larry Hansen
Dean Lindsey
Richard “Rick” J. Simonetta
Elizabeth “Liba” Wheat
Timothy “Tim” M. Ahrens
Kenneth “Ken” H. Davis
Ginger Murdough
Alan “Wayne” Collins
Harold Ashton, Sr.
Nathan “Nate” Banks
Jerry Cannon
Hurvie E. Davis
Robert C. Esterbrooks
Kim Lilly-Moody
R. Dale Martin
John Nelson
Mary Peters
James R. Redpath
Thomas L. Swanson
William “Bill Alfier
John J. “Jack” DeBolske
Katie Dusenberry
Ed Hall
Dr. Rudolf Jimenez
Oscar T. Lyon, Jr.
Jim McDonald
William Ordway
John Ritoch
Robert Vaughan
James Attebery
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